Graphen Finance

Fimmuno, Customer Intelligence, and AI Trader. AI powered solutions for the forward-thinking leaders of the financial industry.



Graphen Alpha Fimmuno is a anti-financial crime suite that helps financial institutions to reduce false positives, detect Unknown-Unknowns, and works with an organization's existing platforms.

Non-Performing Loan Prediction

Analyze relationships of accounts, improving the accuracy of predicting non-performing loans risks.

Anti-Money Laundering

Use AI to automatically learn behavior, relationships, and flow risks to reduce false positives and detect unknown-unknowns in money laundering activities.

Fraud Detection

Utilize AI to detect various of fraud activities in real-time.

Customer Intelligence

Graphen Alpha Customer Intelligence is a cloud-based subscription service that allows financial institutions to get access to the latest information of a potential customer, its relationships to others, risk propagation and estimations, etc. It utilizes AI to analyze customer data and institutional customers, knowing their businesses.

Trade Finance Due Diligence (Smart DD) and Fraud Detection

An ffective fraud detection that reduces workload at banks for merchant duediligence and payment operations that enhances KYC (know your customer) capabilities. Improve the quality and efficiency of due diligence, and reduce human error and bias.

AI Trader

Graphen Alpha AI Trader utilizes advanced AI technology to create Personality-Based Avatars that smartly operate in the financial market for you.

Market Intelligence

Automatically collect public information, forming knowledge graphs and database.

AI Traders

Create robot-like AI traders for investment strategy and operations.

Robot Advisory

Use AI to provide intelligent wealth management advisories based on various of factors including alternative database.

Alpha Finance

Graphen Alpha Finance is built upon next-gen AI platform and global financial industry deployment experience. The solutions are enterprise-ready, and can work with legacy systems already implemented at a financial institution to improve performance, efficiency and productivity.

Leveraging the proprietary knowledge graph database and analytics, Ardi AI Platform combines fast, efficient processing and high-performance computing to deliver results from solutions that are more interpretable and meaningful to its customers.

Alpha Finance is here to assist innovative, forward-thinking financial institutions to enter the era of AI ahead of its time.


Key Features

Improved Performance

Our solution breaks free from limitations of existing anti-financial crime systems. It reduces false positives.

Graph Computing-Powered System

Entities and activities are analyzed by our AI solution to automatically rank real-time risk of each entity in context.

Tested and Approved

Our system is deployed at one of the top three banks in China as their internal system.



  • Compliance
  • Integration
  • Ease to use
  • Efficiency and productivity
  • Self-defense
  • Reduce false positives
  • Work with existing platforms
  • Detect Unknown-Unknowns
  • Image


  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Bayesian Learning
  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Graph Database and Analytics
  • Auto Model Optimizer
  • Image

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