Graphen Aica

Partnering with industry leaders to develop Advanced Car Doctor

Aica AI Car Doctor

In 2020, the automotive repair and maintenance services industry had an annual revenue of about $115 billion in the US alone. The global market is expected to grow from $641.4 billion in 2020 to $690.07 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7. There is a huge demand to advance the technology used in the industry.

Graphen partnered with one of the largest enterprises in the industry and developed an advanced Car Doctor for car repair and maintenance with advanced AI technology.


Transform the Automotive Repair Industry with AI

There are two major problems the automotive repair and maintenance market faces that are affecting the efficiency:

  • difficulty in finding maintenance information;
  • low efficiency in fault diagnosis.
  • Graphen integrates advanced AI to solve these problems. By establishing the diagnosis database through advanced, domain specific graph database, Graphen is able to see the complex information for each vehicle including its maintence histroy, geographical influcence, etc. Graphen's technology establishes the model through machine learning and deep learning, largely increases the efficiency in diagnostics. It can also provide further failure risk prediction and proactively suggest and provide customers with maintenance services in advance.


    99% Prediction Accuracy

    Graphen's system successfully achieved the prediction accuracy far beyond expectations. Built with advanced AI to perform advanced tasks including Massive Data Cleaning and Crawling, Domain Knowlwedge Graph Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Bayesian Network, etc., the system keeps self-improving. The technology is proven to be ideal and effective for establishing solutions to enter a new market or apply to the ever growing new car models.

  • close to 99% accuracy of car diagnosis and fix suggestions;
  • 91% accuracy of car diagnosis and fix suggestions with only 1% of training data.
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    Aica AI Car Assistant

    Graphen developed a voice-based dialog app available on smart phones. This advanced AI system can handle voice or text questions and answers:

  • uses Ardi tools to provide adequate natural language understanding capability and generic knowledge to get answers;
  • compatible with some of the available voice communication platforms including Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, etc;
  • searches internal database to provide answers;
  • utilizes Ardi Knowledge for general questions, if the internal database does not have the answer;
  • composes responses with user's natural language speaking and responds with information accessible through the existing database, provides a continuous conversation to help get the information needed, able to present choices and/or ask follow-up questions to help clarify user's intent.

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