We are Graphen

Meet our next-gen AI products that solve complex problems and transforms industries

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Core Differentiators

Next-Gen Artificial Intelligence

  • Mimic the full brain functions.
  • Understand the context, correlation, interpretation, perception, and hidden meaning of data.
  • Native ACID-compliant graph database that supports property graphs and key-value store, with dynamic schema and bulk ingestion.
  • Large sets of graph analytics for egonet, cycles, community detection, PageRank, centrality, link prediction, etc.
  • Automatic Learning of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Bayesian Networks.
  • Automatically distributed Learning and Reasoning with built-in explainability.
  • Workflow pipeline to monitor and control modules.
  • Advanced, Secure Systems

  • Protect the privacy, security, and integrity of data through advanced encrypted-domain data mining technologies, anonymization and deidentification technologies.
  • Protect data owners via blockchain technologies that trace every usage of the data and block access whenever needed.
  • Protect enterprises through AI cognitive security technologies that predict people's behavior and identify potential risks.
  • Enterprise-Ready, Domain-Specific Solutions

  • Analytic pipelining with asynchronous scheduler, management and logging systems that are already deployed in major financial institutions, medical research centers, leading automobile enterprises, and major energy leaders around the world.
  • Meet enterprises’ large data processing and complex problem-solving demands.
  • Graphen's methods are proven to be more accurate, efficient and effective comparing to major AI players in the market.
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    Main Products

    Ardi AI Platform

    Advanced Enterprise Full-Brain AI Platform that combines contextual analysis and autonomous learning.

    Alpha AI Finance

    A suite of AI powered solutions for the forward-thinking leaders of the financial industry.

    Atom AI Medical

    A suite of AI powered medical solutions to transform the health care industry.

    Agni AI Energy

    Graphen uses its AI to empower energy providers and realize smart grids.

    Aica AI Car

    Partnered with one of the largest enterprises in the automotive industry and developed an advanced AI Car Doctor.

    Alice AI Security

    Secure foundations that help companies move into the AI era: secure databases, secure AI techniques, and self-defense AI cybersecurity.

    Ardi AI Platform

    Ardi is an advanced Cloud-based AI platform that provides functions including Database, Analytics, Learning, Reasoning, Explanation, Strategy, Pipeline and Sense. It empowers users to build industry specific solutions to solve complex problems from Fraud Detection, Genomic Analysis, Car Diagnostics to building a smart energy grid – all without any coding.

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    Alpha AI Finance

    Graphen's finance industry products include: Fimmuno, Customer Intelligence, and AI Trader. Built upon next-gen AI platform and global financial industry deployment experience, Alpha Finance assists financial institutions to enter the era of AI ahead of the time.

    Graphen Alpha Fimmuno is a anti-financial-crime suite that helps financial institutes to reduce the risks. It includes Non-Performing Loan (NPL) Prediction Solution, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Solution, and Fraud Detection Solution.

    Graphen Alpha Customer Intelligence is a cloud-based subscription service that allows financial institutions to get access to the latest information of a potential customer, its relationships to others, risk propagation and estimations, etc.

    Graphen Alpha AI Trader Anita utilizes advanced AI technology to create personality-based avatars that smartly operate in the financial market for you.

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    Atom AI Medical

    Graphen's healthcare domain products currently include: Explore, Genome, and View. Together, they are paving a way towards future precision medicine and precision health.

    Graphen Atom Explore is a visual analytics platform that provides medical intelligence for doctors to explore massive data of similar patients' symptoms, outcomes of different past treatments, potential progression, etc. It shall further explore the linkages between diseases and potential causes. In the future, it will also assist diagnostic medicine to reason the causal relationships of symtoms and potential treatments.

    Graphen Atom Genome is an Omics analysis tool that analyzes the impact of genes, proteins, and other omics information that potential impact disease progress.

    Graphen Atam View is a medical imaging analysis tool that helps physicians to classify potential anomalies from images.

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    Agni AI Energy

    Graphen uses its AI to empower energy providers and help create a secure, efficient and clean energy eco-system.

    Utilizing its advance AI, Graphen can help:

  • Creat Smart Grid Pricing using Game Theory Tools;
  • Enhancement of Power Equipment Management using Knowledge Graph;
  • Detects and predicts APT (Advanced Persistent Threats) using Graphen's AI Cyber Immune technologies, etc.
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    Aica AI Car Doctor

    Graphen partnered with one of the largest enterprises in the industry, and developed an advanced Car Doctor for car repair and maintenance with advanced AI technology.

    Graphen's system successfully achieved:

  • close to 99% accuracy of car diagnosis and fix suggestions;
  • 91% accuracy of car diagnosis and fix suggestions with only 1% of training data.
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    Alice AI Security

    Graphen's security products: CyberImmune and SecureAI Database help companies defend threats and provide trustworthy mechanisms to assist companies move to the AI era.

    Graphen Alice CyberImmune is a user behavior analytics-based cybersecurity monitoring system that detects Insider Threats and Advanced Persistent Threats. Built upon SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), CyberImmune gathers all relevant and available information about users, devices, applications and network, detecting anomalies at various levels. It provides an aggregate risk assessment to predict cybersecurity risks of all entities within the organization.

    Graphen Alice SecureAI Database is empowered by privacy and security controls, encrypted-domain data mining, and trustworthy tracking via blockchain. By combining these advanced technologies together, Graphen provides a secure environment to allow corporations to store their sensitive data in the Cloud. The secured data can be utilized by AI applications, but the organization still has full control of the data flow.

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